** On Jun 16, John Goerzen scribbled:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marek Habersack) writes:
> > > > > We could manage non-free separately but quality control would suffer.
> > > >
> > > > People keep claiming this but nobody has yet shown why.
> > >
> > > Namespace conflicts for one.
> > - version conflicts
> What do you mean?
Prime example from today is the Helix GNOME debs packages and the Debian
"blessed" set of the same packages. They both belong in main, both have the
same names, the same versions to minimize confusion with the difference that
Helix adds 'helix' after the Debian version number. Now, if somebody uses
the Helix packages and it happens that one of them is outdated in relation
to the package of the same name but from the Debian archive - the latter
will overwrite the Helix package and it may happen that the GNOME desktop
will stop function properly. If package pools are separated then you may bet
your salary that such clashes will happen.
> > - compliance with the *current* Debian Policy
> You blindly believe that every package in non-free fully complies with
> current policy now? No way.
I don't believe bilindly in *anything*. I just *assume* (and it's a common
sense and belief in the Debian developers' excellency) that those packages
(or at least most of them) are compliant with the Debian Policy. Besides
what you wrote isn't a counter argument to what I wrote.
> > - *official* BTS
> Somebody on www.nonfreedebs.org or whatever can set up their own
> official BTS. Debian has no monopoly on "officialness".
The 'whatever BTS' is non-existent and non-functional now. If it is created
and it works ok, then I'll withdraw the above issue.
> > - dependencies on packages in the Debian distribution
> What's the problem here?
Package A v0.0.1-1 (outside of Debian - on the whatever.org repository)
depends on library B v1.5.29-2 from the Debian distribution (the main
section). The B's maintainer packages a new version without paying attention
to the package A dependencies, since the package A doesn't exist for Debian
(read: is ignored by Debian). If the repository A doesn't collect all its
packages dependencies (why should it? They all exist in Debian after all and
all the users will get them from Debian anyway) the dependencies are broken
and John Doe cannot install A anymore because of broken depenencies. The
dependencies cannot be satisfied because A is not in Debian and Debian
doesn't care about the package.
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