On Sat, Jun 10, 2000 at 07:37:23AM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 04:15:42PM -0400, Franklin Belew wrote:
> > This is a proposal to reduce the number of bugs on the main archive and
> > to allow for a cleaner transition on package maintainership and version
> > control.
> There are (at least) two implementations of package pools:
"package pools" is used as a bit of a coverall for "any interesting change
to the archive", so it's not very precise often.
> 1. Anthony Towns' at <URL: http://auric.debian.org/~ajt/>
> 2. Drake Diedrich's at <URL: http://master.debian.org/~dld/pool/>
In particular, these two prototypes are completely orthogonal:
implementing either doesn't make the other redundant at all. My prototype
is of a "testing" distribution which has similar sorts of requirements
as was described for experimental/unstable, except in a more automated
fashion. Drake's, I believe, rearranges the archive so having multiple
overlapping distributions is less of a burden on mirrors, and, ideally,
on the ftp masters too.
It's largely waiting potato to be released so arm, powerpc and sparc
will point their autobuilders at unstable (packages get updated on all
or no arches for "testing", so having hundred of packages not updated
for a couple of arches holds hundreds of packages up, awkwardly).
It certainly won't be added to the archive and the mirror network until
after potato's released: three versions of the distribution (stable,
frozen, unstable) are bad enough, but four? Ewww.
Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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