
Reading through the recent "Status of the t64 transition" [1] message, I 
noticed hplip on the list of packages that need help.  My understanding is 
that the main issue is FTBFS [2] likely due to recent change in dpkg 
behaviour.  I figured I'd see if I could fix it.

I closed the Salsa repo and tried my usual "gpb buildpackage" routine.  To my 
surprise that resulted in an error about uncommitted changes in the source 
tree.  So I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong?

$ git clone g...@salsa.debian.org:printing-team/hplip.v2.git
$ mv hlp.v2 hplip
$ cd hplip
$ gbp buildpackage 
dh clean --buildsystem=autoconf --with python3 --with pyppd
   dh_auto_clean -O--buildsystem=autoconf
   dh_autoreconf_clean -O--buildsystem=autoconf
   debian/rules override_dh_clean
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/steve/Packages/hplip/hplip'
find . -regextype posix-extended -iregex '.*\.(ldl|ppd|pdf|ps|pcl)\.gz' | xargs 
gunzip -f ;\
rm -f *.1
rm -f prnt/hpijs/platform.h prnt/hpijs/auto-include.h
find -type d -name build -print0 | xargs -0 -r rm -rf \;
# We prefer to regenerate these using pyuic
(cd ui5 && for i in *.ui ; do rm -f ${i%.ui}.py ; done)
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/steve/Packages/hplip/hplip'
gbp:error: You have uncommitted changes in your source tree:
gbp:error: On branch debian/main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/debian/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        deleted:    ui5/aboutdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/aligndialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/cleandialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/colorcaldialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/devicesetupdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/devmgr5_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/fabwindow_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/faxsetupdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/firmwaredialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/infodialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/linefeedcaldialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/makecopiesdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/mimetypesdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/nodevicesdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/plugindiagnose_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/plugindialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/pluginlicensedialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/pqdiagdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/printdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/printsettingsdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/printtestpagedialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/sendfaxdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/settingsdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/setupdialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/systrayframe_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/upgradedialog_base.py
        deleted:    ui5/wifisetupdialog_base.py


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2024/04/msg00331.html
[2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1066348

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