On Mon, 13 Feb 2023, Till Kamppeter wrote:
Currently, the delta is the following:

   - New re-packaging of Ghostscript 10.00.0, keeping the leptonica and
     tesseract convenience copies in as they are not in Ubuntu Main.
     Added appropriate remark to debian/copyright.

Oh, I have to admit I have no clue what this means :-).
But in case leptonica is related to leptonlib, keeping the convenience copy is a very bad thing as leptonlib is affected by lots of CVEs.
The same seems to happen with tesseract ...
And please don't shoot the messanger, this sound like something that has to wait until after the release.

I do not actually understand the


in debian/control. Which documentation is generated with this?

According to doc/HowToBuildTheDocs.txt:
"This documentation relies on Sphinx to publish HTML & PDF docs from markdown files written with restructured text / RST"

At least debian/rules uses sphinx-build ...


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