On 28/12/2022 16:40, Christoph Biedl wrote:
Thanks for that, I guess all my concerns are resolved.
This gives for libppd2:
None of my business, but I'd expect some ${DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH} here.
Yes, the Deabian packages have these in /usr/lib/x86*/
Only clashes would be /usr/lib/libppd.so and
/usr/lib/libppd.a (are these files really needed?), so we need to mark a
comflict and rename thelegacy libppd-dev package lippd-legacy-dev or
As I had to learn the hard way, conflicting packages are not enough,
policy 10.1 forbids identical filenames anywere across the archive. So
I've renamed the library as well.
Current packages content is now:
You have to use the binary package name libppd-legacy1 here, as you have
raised the soname to 1: libppd-legacy.so.1.0.1
Next step is testing an adjusted gpr, and before developing a test plan.
Otherwise, upload should happen in about three days, once the libppd
2:0.10-9 has migrated to testing.
OK, this way it should all work.
Thank you very much.