
I would like to make a merge request to fix Bug#793675:

I'm acknowledgingly not yet very experienced in packaging.  I'm hitting
an issue when I try to apply all the patches in debian/patch/series of the
hplip source package, and I need help.  Here is what I do:

<checkout g...@salsa.debian.org:printing-team/hplip.git>
noon@asus:~/git/deb/hplip$ git describe
noon@asus:~/git/deb/hplip$ git status
On branch debian/master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/debian/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean

noon@asus:~/git/deb/hplip$ gbp pq import
gbp:info: Trying to apply patches at '9fef7f77162b10eae1aae8e912e442011570f9f9'
gbp:warning: Patch 0001-models.dat-Fix-scanning-with-M281fdw-LaserJet.patch 
failed to apply, retrying with whitespace fixup
gbp:error: Failed to apply 
 Error running git apply: error: patch failed: data/models/models.dat:61924
error: data/models/models.dat: patch does not apply
gbp:error: Couldn't apply patches

When checking with dquilt:

noon@asus:~/git/deb/hplip$ dquilt push
Applying patch 0001-models.dat-Fix-scanning-with-M281fdw-LaserJet.patch
patching file data/models/models.dat
Hunk #1 succeeded at 61929 with fuzz 2 (offset 5 lines).
Now at patch 0001-models.dat-Fix-scanning-with-M281fdw-LaserJet.patch

So the patch applies if we allow fuzz; it does not apply cleanly.

However when I look at the patchfile 0001-..., I can see the ppd-name it
is supposed to apply to:


And that is in section [hp_colorlaserjet_mfp_m278-m281].  But here
dquilt's fuzz tries to find line numbers close to 61924, and modifies
section [hp_pagewide_xl_6000ps] instead!

Did I do a mistake?  How do you (hplip Debian maintainers) apply the


Best regards

Fabrice Bauzac-Stehly
PGP 01EEACF8244E9C14B551C5256ADA5F189BD322B6
old PGP 015AE9B25DCB0511D200A75DE5674DEA514C891D

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