Hi Talija,

On Sun, 2024-10-20 at 12:41 -0700, tal...@coyoterave.net wrote:
> After selecting expert mode:
> smp_core99_probe
> smp_core99_kick_cpu
> smp_core99_kick_cpu done
> smp_core99_kick_cpu
> smp_core99_kick_cpu done
> smp_core99_kick_cpu
> smp_core99_kick_cpu done
> smp_core99_bringup_done
> Is as far as it gets.

Thanks for the confirmation, so the kernel still stops very early.

> System is in a functional state and was running before today with
> kernel 6.10.12-1 ppc64, and after updating today on kernel 6.11.2-1
> ppc64.

Would you mind testing the 32-bit image as well?

It's really strange that the same kernel image will boot the installed
system but not the installer system. Maybe it's necessary to update
debian-cd which is used for building the installation CDs.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   Physicist
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