Hi Stan,

After having a proper dual OSX+OS9 installation in my iMac G3, with some
spare disk space, ...

El jue, 17 oct 2024 a las 20:46, Stan Johnson (<user...@yahoo.com>)

> have been documented elsewhere). Going back to Mac OS 9.2.2, I changed
> the type of the Apple_Bootstrap partition from Apple_Bootstrap to
> Apple_HFS, and that allowed me to format it as HFS; I then changed the
> partition type back to Apple_Bootstrap. Note that parted doesn't
> distinguish between "Apple HFS" and "Apple_Bootstrap" partitions; both
> are simply "hfs".

I managed to partition the disk from OS 9 in order to be able to install
it, and left the third partition (before the empty space), as a 128 MByte
HFS one with  "Apple HFS" type.

Which tool can I use from OS 9 (or even OS X) to change the partition type
to "Apple_Bootstrap" ?
I'm curious about how you did that. I tried with pdisk but it won't let me
write the changes:

darkgrey:~ manuelmc$ diskutil list
   #:                   type name               size      identifier
   0: Apple_partition_scheme                    *28.0 GB  disk0
   1:    Apple_partition_map                    31.5 KB   disk0s1
   2:         Apple_Driver43                    27.0 KB   disk0s2
   3:         Apple_Driver43                    37.0 KB   disk0s3
   4:       Apple_Driver_ATA                    27.0 KB   disk0s4
   5:       Apple_Driver_ATA                    37.0 KB   disk0s5
   6:         Apple_FWDriver                    100.0 KB  disk0s6
   7:     Apple_Driver_IOKit                    256.0 KB  disk0s7
   8:          Apple_Patches                    256.0 KB  disk0s8
   9:              Apple_HFS MacOS9             1023.8 MB disk0s9
  10:              Apple_HFS MacOSX             15.0 GB   disk0s10
  11:              Apple_HFS darkgreyboot       128.0 MB  disk0s11

darkgrey:~ manuelmc$ sudo pdisk
Top level command (? for help): e
Name of device: /dev/rdisk0
Edit /dev/rdisk0 -
Command (? for help): p

Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/rdisk0'
 #:                type name              length   base     ( size )
 1: Apple_partition_map Apple                 63 @ 1
 2:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh             54 @ 64
 3:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh             74 @ 118
 4:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh             54 @ 192
 5:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh             74 @ 246
 6:      Apple_FWDriver Macintosh            200 @ 320
 7:  Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh            512 @ 520
 8:       Apple_Patches Patch Partition      512 @ 1032
 9:           Apple_HFS sin t?tulo       2097152 @ 1544     (  1.0G)
10:           Apple_HFS sin t?tulo 2    31457280 @ 2098696  ( 15.0G)
11:           Apple_HFS sin t?tulo 3      262144 @ 33555976 (128.0M)
12:          Apple_Free Extra           24862600 @ 33818120 ( 11.9G)

Device block size=512, Number of Blocks=58680719 (28.0G)
DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0
1:  23 @ 64, type=0x1
2:  36 @ 118, type=0xffff
3:  21 @ 192, type=0x701
4:  34 @ 246, type=0xf8ff

Command (? for help): t
The map is not writable.
Partition number: 11
Existing partition type ``Apple_HFS''.
New type of partition: Apple_Bootstrap
Command (? for help): w
The map is not writable.


     Manuel Molina Cuberos (deluxe_)

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