There was talk a few years ago about an installation FAQ for Apple PowerPC systems, but in the end, the idea was vetoed.
Look backward though this mailing list -- you will find someone has asked the exact same question recently. It comes up every few weeks / months. In the answer to that question, the user will have been pointed to a special ISO installer that has been modified specifically to work on PowerPC Macs. These are released every now and then. Once you get that special modified ISO, you should be OK. No other ISOs will work that haven't been specially modified. Good luck, K On 2024-09-05, at 12:16 PM, Cedar Maxwell wrote: > Hello PowerPC Debian users, > > > I just installed the latest stable Debian iso on my iBook G4, but the grub > bootloader install failed during the installation. When I boot, I get the > grub prompt. I've been trying to follow the instructions at posts like this > one: > > > but the output ls gives me a ton of ieee devices and there's some weird > glitch with GRUB where once I get a third way down the screen the text starts > printing on top of existing text, so I can't see what I'm doing so I have to > reboot and start over. Anyways, I'm guessing someone has probably had this > same issue with this port before and that the powerpc port differs from x86 > linux in this regard, so I thought I'd just ask the mailing list. Can anyone > offer advice? > -- > Sincerely, > Cedar Maxwell