
On Tue, 2024-04-16 at 13:27 -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> In the old days, you could setup a chroot for PowerPC using the following. I 
> think it still works, but I recall something about using qemu-debootstrap 
> nowadays.
> qemu-debootstrap --arch=powerpc --keyring 
> /usr/share/keyrings/debian-ports-archive-keyring.gpg \
>   --variant=buildd --exclude=debfoster unstable debian-powerpc 
> http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports
> The Debian host can use any flavor of Debian. I usually use Stable for the 
> host.
> The Debian chroot guest must use Unstable. Once you create the chroot guest, 
> open the guest's /etc/apt/sources.list and change it to Unstable.

There is no need to use qemu-debootstrap these days, sbuild will just work
transparently once you have qemu-user installed.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   Physicist
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