
On Mon, 2024-03-25 at 16:15 +0100, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> > > https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2024/02/msg00000.html
> > > https://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/64bit-time
> So since February 2 we are still broken enough that GIT is broken :(

Well, no. Git itself is broken:

> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1066794

> > As a result, you have run into this:
> > 
> > > https://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/2017/12/msg00060.html
> yes apparently is. I still think apt-get is being not very smart here,
> even if the problem is "cruft". It shouldn't remove arbitrarily remove..
> Maybe I shall use aptitude next time.

APT will only remove on "dist-upgrade", not on "upgrade". Hence, you should
always run "upgrade" first and only run "dist-upgrade" after checking what
would get removed.

Don't just run blindly "apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade"!

> Is it of any use to track libcurl3-gnutls or are you already perfectly
> aware that the package is missing from the build system?

src:curl is just one of the many packages that changed their API due to
the time_t transition. Debian Developers are aware of all the breakage.

FWIW, you actually will have to purge a lot of packages during dist-upgrade
as library packages get replaced by their "t64" variants.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   Physicist
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