
On Sun, 2023-05-28 at 07:54 +0200, Linux User #330250 wrote:
> > Perhaps GRUB could use whatever yaboot uses to create the
> > Apple_Bootstrap partition and bless it with ybin, or was yaboot
> > violating Debian license rules with its ybin and use of HFS? Similarly,
> > perhaps GRUB could be enabled to boot Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 volumes in
> > the same way that yaboot already does.
> As I understood it, the problem is that the parts required to do that
> are non-free...

Yes, that is the main problem. FWIW, I have reached out to Apple's Legal
Department and asked them whether it would be possible to relicense the
»hfs« package under a more permissive license such as MIT or any of the
BSD licenses.

The source code for the HFS(+) filesystem utilities used to be part of the
»diskdev_cmds« [1] package but was later split into its own package called
»hfs« [2].

I argued that the »hfs« package is required for interoperability and it would
make it for distributions much easier to ship the »hfs« package if its covered
by a truly free license.

I guess that the fact that the HFS code got split out of »diskdev_cmds« could
make it easier for Apple to change the license.


> [1] https://github.com/apple-opensource/diskdev_cmds
> [2] https://github.com/apple-opensource/hfs

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   Physicist
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