On Mon, May 23, 2022 at 1:31 PM <to...@suse.de> wrote:
>  ...
> There was an official Apple Radeon X1900 G5 edition which was PCIe.
> I've also read that people have used a Windows PC to flash Mac
> firmware onto a PC X1950 PCIe card and this card may be more easily
> available/cheaper.
> If the OPs machine is PCI-X there are more X1900 options but I've no
> idea how well the Radeon cards work with Linux.

Based on my experience with my G5, I was able to use a non-Apple
Raedon card and things worked fine. I did not need to flash ROMs or
jump through other hoops.

For completeness, I picked up a Radeon X1900 GT from eBay. I took out
the existing NVIDIA card and installed the Raedon card. Upon boot I
had a UI.


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