On 3/26/22 2:07 PM, Stan Johnson wrote:
> ...
> I'll simply note whether multiboot works on the Pismo
> ...

Starting with this disk layout on the Pismo (as reported by pdisk in Mac
OS X Tiger):

pismo:~ root# pdisk -l

Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/rdisk0'
 #:                type name               length   base      ( size )
 1: Apple_partition_map Apple                  63 @ 1
 2:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh              56 @ 64
 3:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh              56 @ 120
 4:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh              56 @ 176
 5:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh              56 @ 232
 6:           Apple_HFS Apple_Bootstrap    524288 @ 288       (256.0M)
 7:           Apple_HFS MacOS             1572864 @ 524576    (768.0M)
 8:           Apple_HFS MacOSX           14679777 @ 2097440   (  7.0G)
 9:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Debian_sid       33554432 @ 16777217  ( 16.0G)
10:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Gentoo           33554432 @ 50331649  ( 16.0G)
11:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Void             33554432 @ 83886081  ( 16.0G)
12:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap              4194304 @ 117440513 (  2.0G)
13:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 data            112806831 @ 121634817 ( 53.8G)

Device block size=512, Number of Blocks=234441648 (111.8G)
DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0
1:  23 @ 64, type=0x1
2:  36 @ 120, type=0xffff
3:  21 @ 176, type=0x701
4:  34 @ 232, type=0xf8ff

I left the Apple_Bootstrap partition as type Apple_HFS in case the
current version of GRUB needs that and then installed Debian SID from
the 2022-03-24 CD using a default installation with manual disk
partitioning. The installation worked. Other operating systems were not
detected (I realize this is a work in progress).

After logging in to the new Debian installation, I see that the
partition type of sda6 has been changed from Apple_HFS to
Apple_Bootstrap (Mac OS X may have done that, though during installation
I did choose to format sda6 as HFS and mount it at /boot/grub).

I added the following line to /etc/default/grub so update-grub will
probe for other operating systems:

As expected, running update-grub creates a new /boot/grub/grub.cfg file.
Since the Apple_Bootstrap (HFS) partition is mounted directly as
/boot/grub, it appears that grub-install doesn't need to be run. In
fact, it looks like I could edit grub.cfg directly, though that would
generally be a bad idea.

The detection of other operating systems found 'Mac OS X (32-bit) (on
/dev/sda8)' and 'Mac OS X (64-bit) (on /dev/sda8)'. Selecting the 32-bit
entry resulted in this:

error: can't find command `xnu_kernel'.
error: can't find command `xnu_mkext'.
Press any key to continue...

Since GRUB on Intel 64-bit Macs also can't boot Mac OS X (at least I
haven't found a way to make it work), I didn't expect it to work here
right away, either, but there appears to be some progress (and fixing it
here may also fix it for Apple x86_64).


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