Hi Adrian,

I guess I thought it was powerpc-specific since 32-bit powerpc systems
don't seem to have the same issue with Debian SID packages requiring

But thanks for your reply; I'll send a message to the debian-user list.


On 8/20/21 2:55 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> Hello Stan!
> On 8/20/21 10:51 PM, Stan Johnson wrote:
>> I'm trying to install Debian SID on a Power Mac G5 system using the Apr
>> 2021 CD.
>> After installing a basic text-only system, I replaced systemd with
>> sysvinit-core.  However, most things that I try to install seem to
>> require systemd.
> Since this question is not powerpc-specific but a generic Debian question,
> you should post it to debian-user. I can't really help you on this issue
> as I personally use systemd.
> I know that there was recently some discussion on debian-boot on how to
> replace systemd with sysvinit during installation [2].
> Adrian
>> [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/
>> [2] https://wiki.debian.org/Init

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