On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 7:23 AM John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
<glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hello!
> For anyone wanting to install a current Debian unstable snapshot onto their
> PowerMacs, I'm going to write down a short guide how to make sure GRUB
> gets installed properly (in case the installation fails).
> Use either the powerpc or ppc64 image depending on your machine type:
> > https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/snapshots/2021-02-02/
> Install normally. After GRUB has been installed and the installation has
> finished, don't reboot the machine yet.
> Switch to another console and enter the following commands:
> # mount -o bind /dev/ /target/dev/
> # mount -o bind /proc/ /target/proc/
> # mount -o bind /sys/ /target/sys/
> # chroot /target/
> # bash
> # grub-install --macppc-directory=/boot/grub
> # export boot_device=$(nvram --print-config=boot-device)
> # nvsetenv boot-device ${boot_device%%\\\\BootX}\\grub
> # exit
> # exit
> # umount /target/dev
> # umount /target/proc
> # umount /target/sys
> # exit
> Then switch back to the installer console.

A small problem...

After install the machine reboots automatically. We are not given an
opportunity to stop the reboot. In fact, we are not even told a reboot
is going to happen. Maybe the installer needs a step that confirms the
reboot with a Yes/No prompt?

The issue is aggravated by OpenFirmware behavior. Each command I issue
at the OF prompt results in a "corrupt disk" message. I can't even
eject the cd. OF tries to load the OS for each command I issue.


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