Puh, I’m out of the game, but maybe Adrian or someone else has a hint?
Could you post your xorg.log file? Normally xorg detects the card by itself.

Is the Nvidia card working? I guess no, because Debian uses a Kernel pagesize 
of 64KiB, IIRC? Nouveau needs a pagesize of 4KiB.


> Am 31.01.2021 um 19:47 schrieb Johannes Brakensiek <m...@codingpastor.de>:
> Hello Karl,
> On 31 Jan 2021, at 14:40, Karl wrote:
>> as you can see in the picture, q66 is using a 6470.
>> Coincidentally, I just found a post in the Linux on PowerPC Mac Facebook 
>> group from someone who also uses a 5770 on Void Linux. He also had problems. 
>> But then changed his xorg file back to the original and it worked. His 5770 
>> was from a MacPro by the way ;-)
>> Christian Zigotzky uses a 6970 in his X5000, IIRC. All Terascale GPUs should 
>> work. Also a R5 230.
> encouraged by your report I put the 5770 back in.
> I checked the xorg config - there is none. I blacklisted the nouveau module, 
> made a new ramfs, installed grub and so on. But the boot process hangs at the 
> point where the radeon module is loaded. With „nomodeset“ and having the 
> NVidia card connected it gives the error message about missing UMS/KMS at the 
> point (and boots). So I’d expect driver loading/mode setting to happen there, 
> but it does not.
> Any helpful idea out there?
> Thanks
> Johannes

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