On 1/3/21 11:40 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> On 1/3/21 10:30 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> FWIW, the source code is here:
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/partman-base/-/blob/master/parted_server.c
>> If anyone has any clever idea, please let me know.

Good morning, good day. I am just now sitting down with a coffee and
getting ready to look over this situation. Firstly I want to say that
you have done more than most people have ever done here to ensure we
the people have Debian on ports type machines. You have been doing all
the heavy lifting for years. That is not even remotely fair. Having
said that I must also say it is difficult to step into your shoes as
there is nothing easy about what you do. I have long wanted to be able
to create my own installer images but the process is mystical, magical
and not well documented. Lets not concern ourselves over that at this

I have ppc64 and ppc64le and sparc64 here in my lab and I want to look
at the sparc64 case where everything "just works" but I have not seen
that yet. I want to use the installer image from 2021-01-03 with the
hope that both ppc64 and sparc64 are based on the same sources for the
parted/partman tools.

>> And if someone wants to debug the issue with the hanging partionier 
>> themselves,
>> check out the log in /var/log/partman on a second terminal while the 
>> partionier
>> is running.

I will take a look at both PPC64 and PPC64le and then for extra
information I will take a stare at SPARC64 but I am not sure to
what degree that will be reasonable data.

>> As one can see, it just stops after /lib/init.d/30_parted and I'm afraid, I 
>> have
>> absolutely no idea why. There is no crash, no error, nothing.
> Some more debug information.
> Here are /var/lib/partman from the broken powerpc system:
>> https://people.debian.org/~glaubitz/partman/powerpc/partman.dir/
> Here the log file:
>> https://people.debian.org/~glaubitz/partman/powerpc/partman.log
> And here the same for a sparc64 installation where everything works:
>> https://people.debian.org/~glaubitz/partman/sparc64/partman.dir/
>> https://people.debian.org/~glaubitz/partman/sparc64/partman.log
> So it's crashing after the second "OK" in line 1221:

Right. I will start the investigation here in my little lab and also see
if I can bring in some smart people to look at the issue. To be fair I
am not very well informed about the boot process but I am

>> https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/partman-base/-/blob/master/parted_server.c#L1221
> I wonder what's special on 32-bit PowerPC that it started crashing there.

I am going to review the traffic here in the maillist and also begin an
install on SPARC64 and see if I can at least look at where things

I have a ppc64 partman log file already from the 2021-01-03 installer :


Currently working on the SPARC64 and then I will start to review the
sources and see if I can drag in some other smart people on this also.

Dennis Clarke
UNIX and Linux spoken
GreyBeard and suspenders optional

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