Hi Adrian!
On 12/31/20 12:31 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
Right now, I have configured what Adrian suggested in a mail a couple of months
You need to add this line:
deb [arch=all]http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ unstable contrib non-free
thank you for the prompt response! That was all it was needed, the
detail of "arch=all".
Now acceleration starts and is used, I have other issues, but about that
a different story, I will post details
I acceleration is disabled, do you know what OpenGL drops back to? Mesa?
there must be an endianess issue, I thing an AGBR/RGBA issue because
everything shows with a "blue veil" (I test WebGL samples inside
ArcticFox a the moment)
Einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!
(Happy new year)