Hi Andrew!

On 5/23/20 11:08 AM, and...@ncrmnt.org wrote:
> First, huge thanks for everyone involved in the debian project that has
> been my primary desktop OS for over a decade. You rock ;)

Great to hear!

> Now, the big question: I was wondering about the status of debian 32-bit
> powerpc port (anything more detailed, than 'dead and buried' for good ;) )

It's currently maintained as an unofficial port, both for 32- and 64-bit
big-endian PowerPC. We only support unstable and experimental at the moment.

ISO images can be found here:

> https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/

> The story, why I'm interested in is: I happen to work for a small 
> semiconductor company> named RC Module, that happens to make some chips based 
> on a 32-bit powerpc core, 476fp to
> be precise. We've been using debian for our ARM-based SoCs and would really 
> love to do the
> same for our powerpc-based products. So far jessie bootstrapped from debian 
> archive works,
> but it's becoming more and more outdated as the time goes on. 
> So we are investigating, whether we could either help community in some way, 
> or set up
> compiling recent debian package base ourselves on our infrastructure (Like 
> the raspbian
> folks for their arm1176 core). 

Thanks to Anatoly Pugachev in Moscow and thanks to IBM in the US, we have two 
very powerful
POWER servers which are compiling all the packages for powerpc and ppc64 plus 
developer machines for both the GCC community and the Debian community.

A commercial sponsor might be helpful though to provide additional mirrors and 
maybe fund
the development of support for a testing release for Debian Ports (where 
powerpc and
ppc64 reside).

I can share more details if there is any interest.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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