On 5/19/20 3:18 PM, Rui Salvaterra wrote:
>> On unstable, both in a normal environment and within d-i, the script
>> works as expected for me.
> I'm glad to know that, maybe the ofpathname problem was caused by some
> other issue which got fixed in the meantime…? I really can't pinpoint
> when ofpathname started working correctly for me. I've been using GRUB
> since early 2016 (when I got my Power Mac G5 and installed Debian
> ppc64 unstable), but at that time it wasn't really user-friendly:
> every time GRUB was updated, I had to copy grub.elf to the bootstrap
> partition, change its type attribute to tbxi and fix the NVRAM
> boot-device entry (it was a "fun" procedure, but at least it worked
> and allowed me to run xz-compressed kernels). I remember I used the
> devalias in the boot-device entry because ofpathname wasn't working
> correctly and I didn't feel like traversing the device tree by hand.
> :)

This patch set is fixing ofpathname for Apple PowerMacs.

Which version of Debian are you running?


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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