> Anyone can provide me with access to a G5 for testing? I just want check the > device paths output by my patched "ofpathname".
Yes. Send your SSH public keys/authorized_keys to noloader, gmail account. On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 11:23 AM John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de> wrote: > > I have finally found some time to work on this issue again. > > First things first, I have reviewed the messages in this thread and compared > it with the source code and the knowledge about the hardware I have. > > I have concluded that the following changes are necessary in ofpathname: > > 1) ofpathname needs to gain support for partition IDs in OF paths; something > that is currently only supported for the function l2of_nvme() but not > for l2of_ide() and l2of_scsi(). > > 2) On PATA systems like the PowerBook G4, the OF path is constructed as: > > /$BUS/$DRIVER/@$DEVID:$PART > > 3) On SATA systems like the PowerMac G5, the OF path includes the plug ID: > > /$BUS/$DRIVER/@$PLUGID/@$DEVID:$PART > > 4) On systems with Firewire disks, we need to include the node ID on the > Firewire bus plus the constant for the driver called "sbp-2": > > /$BUS/$DRIVER/$IEEE1394_NODEID/sbp-2/@$DEVID:$PART > > 1) through 3) are fairly easy to implement, 4) needs some scripting-fu. > > I will work on the first three now. > > Anyone can provide me with access to a G5 for testing? I just want check the > device paths output by my patched "ofpathname". > > Alternatively, can someone run the ofpathname command from the powerpc-utils > package on different physical disks, e.g. sda1 and sdb1 and do the same with > the ofpath command?