Hello, I tried to boot a grey iMac G3 with Adélie Linux (https://distfiles.adelielinux.org/adelie/1.0/iso/rc1/). At the boot, I've got the error message "Welcome Grub. unrecognized number." and after, the Grub shell appears. I press ESC and then the GRUB menu appears. If I choose the default line, Adélie Linux boots from Grub.
Perhaps the Adélie source code could help ? https://code.foxkit.us/adelie/packages https://distfiles.adelielinux.org/adelie/1.0/iso/rc1/ -- Pétition pour le retrait du projet de réforme des retraites : https://onestla.tech Installer facilement Linux : http://infolib.re .--. |o_o | ||_/ | // \\ Envoyé depuis mon Linux (| |) / \_ _/ \ \___)=(___/