On 5/5/19 08:46, Frank Scheiner wrote:
The `hfsprogs` package was also not included in the older ISO from
2019-04-20 (I only checked the ppc64 one). Should we include it, so
off-line installations work?
OTOH should this even work? I.e. to install a base OS from just the
netinstall ISOS? I seem to remember that you somewhere wrote, that you
installed an OS just from the ISO w/o Internet access.
Ok, found it on [1]:

Official netinst images for the "stable" release

Up to 300 MB in size, this image contains the installer and a small set
of packages which allows the installation of a (very) basic system.

[1]: https://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/

So the `hfsprogs` package should be definitely included in the ISOs. As
the remainder of the installation seems to have succeeded for Karl, I
assume all other needed packages are already available on the disc.


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