I wholly agree. Applause to Adrian and everyone else here.

Group efforts to this size on these subjects are awe-inspiring.


On Sat, 2019-04-06 at 16:32 -0400, Dennis Clarke wrote:

Also, and this is more important, your work is not only exceptional but

vastly appreciated. Pay no attention to my frustrated tone as that is

just me *trying* to move forwards and do testing and get a machine

running. You are doing very valuable work and I really understand that

it may feel like a silly treadmill to run upon. Many machines. Multiple

architectures. Why?  Why even bother with old sparc?  Well the last

thing I want in this world is a place where only x86 exists. That would

be criminal. I am happy to see the concept of RISC-V but we all know

there is no hardware. Yet. There are emulators like qemu which seem to

work fairly well for RISC-V and possibly even ppc64 for a variety of

machine specs.  All of this is *needed* in the computer world.  I have

worked on Sparc systems for at least twenty years and I am still baffled

at 4AM in the morning why bother test a new Apache apr release on

Solaris?  Mostly because I don't want a world run by a single

perspective and a single manufacturer. So people need to be there, good

people, doing good work. Also I have arm boards and a collection of

Apple PowerMac boxen kicking around and even an old DEC Alpha server. I

happen to really like the IBM power cpu approach. It is a great system

architecture and let's face it .. the most powerful machine in the world

is IBM Power9 with NVidia and all running Linux. Sadly Red Hat but let's

not go there.

Anyways ... I am rambling again.

Trying to say "thank you".


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