If you want to install Jessie, you can use the old installation CD.

Repositories from Debian Archive can be used to install / keep Jessie
and other old versions.


Even if outdated I still use Wheezy on some machines because of video
driver's problems.

For PPCs, the only actively maintained Debian version at the moment is
Sid, available as a Debian Port.


You can use the sources.list lines shown in the above links to make you
own. As far as I know you are free to keep Jessie or to upgrade to Sid
if you so wish.


Il 05/04/19 03:10, Rick Thomas ha scritto:
> Is there a new install CD/DVD for PowerPC Jessie now that it’s repo has been 
> moved to archives?
> And in a similar vein, what changes do I need to make to sources.list for a 
> Mac powerpc and/or powerpc64 that already has Jessie installed (*not* Sid)
> Thanks!
> Rick

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