> The problem is - CPU #2 is maxed-out, doing systemd something -

I don't see that from your htop cut-and-paste but I'll have to assume
 you really did see a cpu fully in use by systemd.

> something to do with /lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 27.  I
> do not think this is right. 

no question.

> It is using half of my CPU resources, doing
> nothing as far as I can tell.  Is there a fix for this?  Can I possibly
> install nosystemd and go back to when things were good?

We could go back to paper tape install and reel to reel tape based swap
but that isn't really the issue.

Do another look and see if you can isolate the pid/ppid numbers of the
offending process and try a sigHUP at it.

In the mean while I will fire up my own G5 here and have a look.

Dennis Clarke
UNIX and Linux spoken
GreyBeard and suspenders optional

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