
Is installation of the powerpc port by netboot possible nowadays?

I am trying to install Debian Sid powerpc on an eMac G4 by netboot.

I am using old netboot files (yaboot, etc.) from wheezy [1].

I know it's old, but my aim is to use the files as a "boot-base" and
then to use the debian-ports mirrors [2].

I can netboot the installer just fine and I can set the debian-ports
mirror but then I can not download the installer components.

It appears to me that it could be related to a missing
"installer-powerpc" directory in [3].

Does it mean that netboot is not supported by debian-ports or is there a
mirror I am not aware of?



[2] http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/

[3] http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/dists/sid/main/

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