On Aug 25, 2018, at 7:54 AM, Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org> wrote:

> The bucket of things I see back on 4.15.0 are :
> 4.15.0-2-powerpc64@nix# uname -a
> Linux nix 4.15.0-2-powerpc64 #1 SMP Debian 4.15.11-1 (2018-03-20) ppc64 
> GNU/Linux
> 4.15.0-2-powerpc64@nix# lsmod | grep -i "farm"
> windfarm_cpufreq_clamp     3085  1
> windfarm_smu_sensors     7223  1
> windfarm_smu_controls     7622  8
> windfarm_pm112         13864  0
> windfarm_pid            2995  1 windfarm_pm112
> windfarm_max6690_sensor     3823  1
> windfarm_lm75_sensor     4317  1
> windfarm_smu_sat        7208  9 windfarm_pm112
> windfarm_core          10663  7 
> windfarm_pm112,windfarm_smu_sensors,windfarm_smu_sat,windfarm_max6690_sensor,windfarm_cpufreq_clamp,windfarm_smu_controls,windfarm_lm75_sensor

Thanks, Dennis…

That’s a slightly different bucket of things than I see on my G5 when it’s 
running the 4.16 kernel.
When it’s running the 4.17 kernel *with* the “windfarm_core” in /etc/modules, I 
get the same bucket as with the 4.16 kernel.
Without the “windfarm_core” in /etc/modules, the 4.17 kernel shows nothing that 
meets that grep criterion.

> rbthomas@kmac:~$ uname -a
> Linux kmac 4.17.0-3-powerpc64 #1 SMP Debian 4.17.17-1 (2018-08-18) ppc64 
> GNU/Linux
> rbthomas@kmac:~$ sudo lsmod | grep -i "farm"
> windfarm_smu_sat        7464  0
> windfarm_cpufreq_clamp     3213  0
> windfarm_max6690_sensor     3951  0
> windfarm_ad7417_sensor     6848  0
> windfarm_lm75_sensor     4445  0
> windfarm_fcu_controls    11236  0
> windfarm_pm72          14394  0
> windfarm_pid            2995  1 windfarm_pm72
> windfarm_core          10919  7 
> windfarm_cpufreq_clamp,windfarm_fcu_controls,windfarm_max6690_sensor,windfarm_smu_sat,windfarm_ad7417_sensor,windfarm_pm72,windfarm_lm75_sensor

I don’t know enough to tell whether the differences between your list and mine 
are significant.
All I know is that they both stop the wind-tunnel fans phenomenon.
I sincerely hope that someone who does know enough to interpret the results can 
find the time to comment.

Thanks for your help!

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