On 2018-02-11, Frank Scheiner <frank.schei...@web.de> wrote:
>>> Yeah, maybe it's just the yaboot versions (1.3.16 for Jessie,
>>> 1.3.17 for Sid), that makes the difference.
>> It's annoying that something has regressed here though: is there an
>> official git repo for yaboot to check out the differences between
>> 1.3.16 and 1.3.17?
>> The fact that it still works on real hardware suggests that
>> something has changed here:

I have real hardware (iBook G4) where the Debian 1.3.17 does not work.

>> is it possible to generate a test ISO using 1.3.16 yaboot to see if
>> that starts working under QEMU again?  That would narrow things down
>> immensely.
> With QEMU would it be possible to follow the approach of John Ogness
> ([1])? He used yaboot v1.3.16 from a USB stick and then loaded the
> config file from the Debian Sid netinst disc.

How about Debian applies the patch [2] I submitted, which reverted the
change that caused the problem? Tony's response [3] to my patch was that
"we're probably safe to apply this".


> [1]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2017/10/msg00099.html

[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2017/10/msg00118.html
[3] https://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2017/10/msg00119.html

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