Hi Mark,

On 02/10/2018 10:22 AM, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
$ ./qemu-system-ppc -cdrom debian-9.0-powerpc-NETINST-1.iso -boot d -M mac99 -nographic
Trying cd:,\\:tbxi...
:-1,: Unable to open file, Invalid device
Can't open config file
Welcome to yaboot version 1.3.17

My existing Jessie test image (debian-8.5.0-powerpc-netinst.iso) works fine, so it looks like there is a regression somewhere in the boot loader configuration. Does anyone know what has changed between these two images that could cause this to break?

No, not really, but just for the record, on real hardware (a Mac mini G4 in this case) the current ISO from 2018-02-07 20:35h works as expected:

0 > boot cd:,\\:tbxi load-size=806 adler32=96ebe7f0

parsing <CHRP-BOOT>

evaluating <BOOT-SCRIPT>

This is a Debian installation CDROM,
built on 20180207-19:20

Press ENTER to continue, or press TAB for a
full list of options

If the system fails to boot with a white screen
which doesn't go away, try

install video=ofonly
Welcome to yaboot version 1.3.17
Enter "help" to get some basic usage information

Assuming that it fails for you after loading/during execution of the CHRP script (`/install/ofboot.b`) you could try to compare the current version of this script with the one on the Jessie ISO.

The current CHRP script seems to determine if the used CPU is 64 bit capable or not and selects the appropriate yaboot config (`/install/yaboot.conf` or `/install/mac32.conf`):
" screen" output
load-base release-load-area
" /cpus/@0" find-package if
 " 64-bit" rot get-package-property 0= if
  " boot cd:,\install\yaboot conf=cd:,\install\yaboot.conf" eval
  " boot cd:,\install\yaboot conf=cd:,\install\mac32.conf" eval

And just for curiosity, what does the `conf` command print out in your case after entering it at the yaboot `boot:` prompt?


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