On 11/14/2017 02:55 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
+    - Handle HFS file systems (format, mount, unmount, permanent mount).

This should be "fstab entry", not "permanent mount".

Also, please strip ". Override $bootfs, $bootfstype, $bootdev and $state
for NewWorld Power Macs." from the commit message. If you need to add
more information to the commit message, create a separate paragraph
after an empty line for that.

Ok, fixed in v2.

+       if umount "$nw_boot_partition" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
+               info "$self: Unmount of $nw_boot_partition succeeded."
+               return 0
+       else
+               error "$self: Unmount of $nw_boot_partition failed." 1>&2
+               return 1
+       fi
  info "architecture: $ARCH"

These functions are using info() and error() again instead of die(), so
the use of die() in the previous patch would just be inconsistent.


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