Hey Adrian,

On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 10:44:21PM +0200, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> Hi Breno!
> On 07/06/2017 09:31 PM, Breno Leitao wrote:
> > I think I found the real case of the problem here. There is an array
> > being allocated, and initialized until 'i'.
> > 
> > Later, we use a random number 'r' to access this array, and it will fail
> > if 'r' is bigger than 'i', since any value bigger than 'i' will not be
> > initialized. It might fail harder if 'r' is being allocated than 'nvalues', 
> > but
> > I didn't get this scenario during my debugs.
> Interesting bug. I wonder how this bug is only triggering on ppc*. Is that
> code that is run on these targets only?

In fact, doing further debugs I understand that the problem is somewhere
else, and what I am seeing is just a consequence of a prior error that was not
prior handled. This is the test case:

         for ( i = 0, e = ldap_first_entry( ld, res ); e != NULL; i++, e = 
ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) )
                 values[ i ] = ldap_get_dn( ld, e );
         values[ i ] = NULL;


         for ( i = 0; i < innerloop; i++ ) {
                     int     r = ((double)nvalues)*rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0);

                     do_read( ld, values[ r ],
                             srchattrs, noattrs, nobind, 1, maxretries,
                             delay, force, chaserefs, idx );

In ppc64el case, ldap_first_entry() is returning NULL, thus values[], other
than values[0], but the code will contain garbage and we will interate over it

That said, I understand that there are two bugs:

1) we shouldn't iterate over values[] if it is bogus.
2) ldap_first_entry() shouldn't return NULL (real problem)

So, answering your question. My patch *didn't* fix the real issue (2), but the
consequence of it. That explains why we do not see this on other systems.

Anyway, I am still investigating the real problem here, and Howard, from
OpenLdap, is kindly helping.

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