
mol use only one core ... but in near future you will use all on qemu in kvm smp


Da: Linux User #330250 <linuxuser330...@gmx.net>
Inviato: sabato 27 maggio 2017 14.16
A: luigi burdo; Joel Rees; PowerPC List Debian
Oggetto: Re: Trying to compile Mac-on-Linux [SOLVED]

On 2017-05-18 20:57 luigi burdo wrote:
> Hi Kvm -pr is available on PowerPc
> im using it on My G5 quad and was working on MacMini G4 too.
> ... changing point if you will able to run Mol with Os Classic plz let me know
> i have issue with classic but i have working MOL with Panter.
> https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/17159108_10208527105716735_4089104362059567573_o.jpg?oh=cfd6a7a39983c68283f6315d30752e7b&oe=59AFA05C
> Thanks
> Luigi

Running this on a G5 Quad must be tough! Since KVM on PowerPC requires
to disable SMP, you will be utilizing only one for the 4 processor cores...

I've had the same issue on my G4 Dual-800 MHz. The cost to get KVM on a
multi-processor Mac may not be worth it.

Though I have to wander, why is KVM not working with SMP? IMHO this
should be fixed...

Linux User #330250

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