
My mistake - just tested it - cannot wake up from suspend (sleep) induced using 
Logout => Suspend.

I'll try to investigate.

En date de : Jeu 25.5.17, Fadi Osman <fospot-...@yahoo.com> a écrit :

 Objet: Re: First time Debian unstable "sid" (Linux) installation ever - a 
 À: "Carlos" <powerpc1...@gmail.com>, "PowerPC List Debian" 
<debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org>, "Richard Kuenz" <richard.ku...@web.de>
 Date: Jeudi 25 mai 2017, 18h37
 Hi All,
 I suppose you're both talking about sid
 - and not stretch...
 Anyway, Carlos, I have good news for
 you - pbbuttonsd should work now (PowerBook hotkeys
 including CD eject + ambient light + normally wake up from
 I have already described the quick fix
 in a post a few minutes ago, but here is a quick summary:
 - install back pbbuttonsd if you had
 removed it. (sudo apt-get install pbbuttonsd)
 ==> the thing is, this might turn
 your screen dark again. So you'll need to do some typing in
 the dark to restart it (to restart in nomodeset)
 ==> or you can try these commands
 (in the dark):
 ==> sudo service pbbuttonsd
 ==> bbcmd config TAG_LCDBRIGHTNESS
 - uncomment LCD_Brightness=90 in
 - set pbbuttonsd to start after lightdm
 by modifying /etc/init.d/pbbuttonsd and adding "lightdm" to
 the end of the "Required-Start:".
 I have also commented out
 "LCD_FadingSpeed=448" in /etc/pbbuttonsd.cnf - but this is
 more a question of personal preference.
 Richard, you can fix the crazy dimming
 issue by setting LCD_AutoAdjust=off (maybe you have an issue
 with your ambient light sensor).
 About docky - it uses mono - so be
 careful about it - it might take up some resources - and
 might break.
 Why don't you use a Panel instead? (
 you can set it to auto minimize). This won't be as nice as
 docky - but will be (much) faster.
 To do that, right-click on the Panel -
 and select "Create New Panel", then you can add items in
 And yes, If you install different
 desktops you can switch using the login screen - you should
 have an icon somewhere to let you choose.
 Enjoy your PowerBooks with Debian!
 Best Regards,
 En date de : Dim 21.5.17, Richard
 Kuenz <richard.ku...@web.de>
 a écrit :
  Objet: Re: First time Debian
 stretch  (Linux) installation ever - a conclusion
  À: "Carlos" <powerpc1...@gmail.com>,
 "PowerPC List Debian" <debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org>
  Date: Dimanche 21 mai 2017, 20h51
  Hei Carlos, guys, Fadi, all,
  super that you installed so
  well + made lot of experience.
  i think you
  can install synapse as dock, or docky
 , if available;
  for sound , probably you would need
  blacklist (eg. outcommenting)
  all lines in
  snd-powermac if it is still in
  me too made some experience
  today on powerbook g4 with radeon
  went from debian squeeze (no 3d ) to
 stretch -
  a bit too big of an upgrade
  went from
  lubuntu precise (no 3d aceeleration,
 no sound, pretty
  to  lubuntu trusty tahr (no 3d, no
  sound, had to pass Linux 
  video=radeonfb:1024x768-32 at yaboot
 to get to
  to lubuntu xenial aka stretch? (3d
  available, no sound > cleared with
  solution above, but the dimming plays
 crazy, so after some
  time the 
  computer would totally dim down ;
  my keyboard layout is german mac 
  nodeadkeys, so probably with another
 layout the
  keys might work and the 
  dimming would not
  occur? --
  for making the
  @sign for email etc. i had to pass
 this option for german
  1.create file inside userdirectory
  2. pass this into the file
  clear Mod4
  keycode 134 = ISO_Level3_Shift
  add Mod4 = Super_L
  3. activate ~/.Xmodmap by typing
      xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
  4. this would remap the Right
  Command key (apple key) to act as
  "@" is on the "G" key. Under OSX, we
  print it using ALT+g
  actually then Right AppleKey + G would
  bring "@"
  I am not fully satisfied with result
  Lubuntu so i will try with 
  Debian anew,
  Am 21.05.17 19:24, schrieb
  > Hello guys,
  > I installed Debian
  stretch successfully.
  > Now I have a couple of question.
  > To install Debian
  wasn't a problem. First I tried to
 install it from a USB
  key. Don't work. I think it’s a
 OpenFirmware issue,
  because in OF, the key wasn't shown.
  > At startup, I always
  have to press RETURN to start
  What have I got to do, to boot in
 Linux automatically?
  > I installed Debain
  three times with three different
 desktop environments:
  > 1. Xfce
  > 2. LXDE
  > 3. MATE
  > On Xfce
  > + A dock is
  available out of the box
  > + You can
  search all applications
  > - trackpad
  movment is stuttering like hell (e. g.
 if you are holding
  alt on MacOS X bootup to select
 startup volume -> if you
  there trying to use the trackpad, it
 feels exactly the
  > - A clock & date system
  preference isn't available
  > On LXDE
  > + clock &
  date system preference is available
  > +
  trackpad movment is a little bit
 better as under Xfce
  > - a dock isn't available
  > - you can't search all
  > On MATE:
  > + clock & date system
 preference is
  > - a dock isn't
  > - you can't search all
  > - trackpad movement is
  hyper-sensitive, very nervous
  > I have set the CPU to
  Because yesterday the fan was on full
 speed, then the
  PowerBook shuts down. Then I have
 installed pSensor to look
  at the temperatures. But it seems
 there is only a sensor for
  the HDD? Funny thing, today the HDD
 sensor is gone, not
  shown ...
  > It's
  a pleasrue to use Synaptic. And it
 also wasn't a problem
  to install the wireless driver. But
 instead of vi, I have
  used gedit. Because it's easier to use
 for me. And about
  the PowerPC Wiki from Fadi. I haven't
 copied the lines,
  I only put contrib behind main.
  > The brightness keys for the
  don't work. Sound also not working.
  Any ideas how to fix this?
  > Wake up from sleep also don’t
  > There should also be
  a mate-cpufreq-applet to switch
 between the different CPU
  > Any ideas where I could find
  this applet?
  > And
  on MATE, on the top right, the clock,
 there is also a
  temperature symbol.
  > Is it possible to
  add more cities? Because my city isn't
 in that list.
  > Is it possible to
  install different desktop
  If yes, how to switch between the
 different environments
  > About
  searching for applications:
  > At the
  moment I pick a MacApp and search on
 http://alternativeto.net/ for an
  > Is there a better way to
  search for applications?
  > On Evolution to configure mail:
 At the
  moment it’s not going to work … I
 don’t know why.
  > Thanks in advance
  > Carlos

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