On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 11:44 PM, Ben Hutchings <> wrote:
> Control: reassign -1 src:linux 3.16.39-1+deb8u2
> Control: tag -1 moreinfo
> On Thu, 2017-04-06 at 12:23 -0700, Mark G.B. wrote:
>> Package: general
>> Severity: normal
>> Dear Maintainer,
>> I recently installed 4x1GiB sticks of DDR RAM into my PowerMac G5 DP 2.0 GHz.
>> Apple indicates the maximum amount of RAM supported is indeed 8GiB.
> I'm inferring from this that you have the DP+ with 8 RAM slots, and you
> have upgraded from 4 * 1 GiB to 8 * 1 GiB installed.  Is that right?
>> The system is fully usable, it runs without problems in any area, pretty 
>> much,
>> but I would like to know if it is using the full 8GiB since in system monitor
>> it states only 5.8 GiB total are registered.
>> Please, if you are able to direct me, or fix, thanks. There would certainly 
>> be
>> a performance boost in say things like Kdenlive for me if the missing ~2GiB
>> were restored.
>> P.S. I've attached output of 'cat /proc/meminfo' for reference.
> This is quite surprising.  It is normal for the system firmware to
> reserve some amount of memory that is then unavailable to Linux, but
> this is a very large amount.
> Please also send the kernel boot messages, which might help explain
> what's going on.  (We probably still won't be able to solve this,
> though, as there are few developers still interested in PowerMac
> systems.)
> Ben.
> --
> Ben Hutchings
> When in doubt, use brute force. - Ken Thompson

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