
i have installed jessie on powerbook g4 1,67 and am very happy with sound and video.
can someone please show me how to achieve sleep when i shutdown lid?

thank you very much,


ps. there is supposedly an error with those powerbooks as many don't recognize the second 1gb ram bank. i had this problem on osx and was not able to ssolve it; possible that under linux it behaves differently? does anyone have an experience with the ram being recognized in linux? would be great to have 2gb on my machine here.

Am 23/03/17 um 10:51 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
On 03/23/2017 10:43 AM, PhiLLip Pi wrote:
For some reason, now the old PB G4 shuts down. I will check if it
happens again.

I would recommend hooking up a serial console or a netconsole to watch
the kernel buffer while the machine is shutting down. This way you should
be able to track down at which point during shutdown it hangs.


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