
On Wed, 8 Mar 2017, PhiLLip Pi wrote:

> Server? Workstation? Old school text stuff? Just curious. I am trying to
> see what I can use my slow PowerBook G4 with 512 MB of RAM to do.

As a rule of thumb, you can do probably anything which doesn't involve
heavy web browsing, or very graphics heavy stuff. :) The fun-killer apps
these days are the browsers. But low traffic servers, anything
console/text mode, a lightweight desktop GUI, IRC chat, e-mails, will work
just fine. Of course you can also run browsers and heavy apps on it, but
you will need to have a stretch of patience for sure. :) So that's not
very rewarding usually.

So think about more or less what you can also use a Raspberry Pi 1 for
(minus mediacenter, because the RPi has hardware accelerators for that,
which the PowerBook lacks), but it's waaaaay cooler, and portable with a
battery, and a bit faster with a lot faster storage I/O. ;)


(Ps: I don't run Debian PPC on my PowerBook, but run it on similar class

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