Hi all- there are some now.

Firefox 45 ESR, Firefox 51 and Ice Cat . for now on the BE  the best are

are Firefox ESR and Firefox 47  (Ice Cat i only tested it on Fedora PPC64) .

This last two dont use EGL for video rendering it means you can play video with 
right colors and without glithces.
on G4 you can play 240/360p video on youtube with your configuration .
On G5 Quad i can play 360° VR 4k video  without issue with firefox 47 :P


Da: Herminio Hernandez, Jr. <herminio.hernande...@gmail.com>
Inviato: mercoledì 8 marzo 2017 08.26
A: PhiLLip Pi
Cc: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
Oggetto: Re: What are the fastest Mozilla's Gecko-based web browsers for 
PowerBook G4?

First, flash is dead under PowerPC. It will never work sadly. Besides that I 
cannot think of another gecko based browser to use. Besides FF I use Midori, 
but that is WebKit based.

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 12:01 AM, PhiLLip Pi 
<a...@zimage.com<mailto:a...@zimage.com>> wrote:
In my couple days old Debian Jessie/stable PowerPC on a very old 2002
15" Titanium PowerBook G4 with 512 MB of RAM, it came with Firefox v45.7
ESR but it is very slow and uses too much memories.

I wonder if there are faster Gecko-based web browsers. If they do exist,
then they need to still work with my 20 MB places.sqlite file from and
with my faster computers' (new/lat)est SeaMonkey and Firefox versions
(Windows, Mac OS, and Linux/Debian). Same for plugins (e.g., Flash) and
extensions (uBlock Origin).

Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. :)
Quote of the Week: "The great companies did not know that the line
between hunger and anger is a thin line. And money that might have gone
to wages went for gas, for guns, for agents and spies, for blacklists,
for drilling. On the highways the people moved like ants and searched
for work, for food. And the anger began to ferment." --John Steinbeck's
The Grapes of Wrath
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