On Thu, Mar 02, 2017 at 03:35:35PM -0800, PhiLLip Pi wrote: ... > > Well supposedly gparted can shrink HFS/HFS+ partitions (but can't grow > > them for some reason). > > > > So if you could find a livecd or something to boot from for powerpc and > > use gparted you should be able to shrink it. > > > > I see finnix has a powerpc live cd which includes parted 3.2, but I > > can't see gparted there. It is however debian based so it might be > > possible to apt-get install gparted after booting. > > I'll give https://www.finnix.org/releases/111/finnix-ppc-111.iso a shot. > I hope that is bootable as a live disc. :)
So, I booted up a burned Finnix liveCD, but it doesn't have X so it is all text based. I had a hard time getting its network features working with a physical network cable (dmesg detected its manual connection) until I learned about its sudo dhcpclient command. Apparently, it doesn't get the IP address automatically. :( I ran its parted and saw http://pastebin.com/raw/JP2pqXds ... Disk managements and command lines aren't my strong areas. GUI helps a lot in this area. Do I use "resizepart 5" command? Thank you in advance. :) -- /\___/\ Phil./Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site) / /\ /\ \ Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net | |o o| | E-mail: phi...@earthlink.net/a...@zimage.com \ _ / If crediting, then please kindly use Ant nickname ( ) and AQFL URL/link.