Hi Christoph,

Indeed, these files seem to exist http://i.imgur.com/uAPd5sL.jpg

As to the question regarding the FS type for /boot I'm not really sure, it's 
whatever comes with this setup http://i.imgur.com/fPYDHbI.jpg
 but there was a setting including "mac newworld" something  in the name.
I took the screenshot during the last install, I tried a couple of times before 
that trying different partitioning e.g. LVM and others, in one of my attempts I 
renamed 'boot' from "untitled" to Apple_Bootstrap as I found a post by someone 
saying it worked for him when he was installing Ubuntu.

P.S. Sorry if not the proper way to reply to a mail list, never used them 
before :/

 >-------- Оригинално писмо --------

 >От: Christoph Biedl debian.a...@manchmal.in-ulm.de

 >Относно: Re: yaboot problem? OS won't load after install on a Power Mac G5

 >До: ilko Iliev  

 >Изпратено на: 07.02.2017 09:37

ilko Iliev wrote...

> image  =  /boot/  vmlinux


>  initrd  =  /boot/  initrd  .  img

Do these files actually exist? When setting up two installations during

the weekend, they were missing. This ought to be a bug in yaboot but I

didn't get around to debug this.

So either: Remove the "/boot" part and re-run ybin, or create according

links in /boot/ that point to vmlinux- , same for initrd.

The first is robust, the second easier to test.


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