On 2016-11-01 18:09:53 +0100 Klaus Becker <colon...@free.fr> wrote:


all is in the title.

I could not find neither on the ibook G4 keybord nor on the web.



With a french mac layout (azerty) it 's alt + shift + l. Note that on linux and on my french mac keyboard, the "alt" key is mapped on the right alt physical key. All characters done with the two "alt" keys on osX can be done using the right alt key only.
You can search the web what the german mapping is on osX.

You can see here where it's suggested to be alt + 7 : https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/52647/enter-vertical-bar-or-pipe-symbol-in-windows

and here : https://infopython.wordpress.com/2007/08/28/mac-keyboard-shortcuts-how-write-a-pipe-or-backslash-on-macbook/


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