On Oct 8, 2016, at 11:02 AM, Christoph Biedl <debian.a...@manchmal.in-ulm.de> 

> Hello,
> just to make sure I got things right: The 74xx/G4 processors are
> to be supported by Debian's powerpc architecture?
> Background: On my G4 boxes I encounter SIGILL from several packages,
> turns out they were built with compiler options for more recent CPUs,
> hence the program abort. The buildds don't notice that as they are
> already G5 or whatever.
> So before filing grim bug reports for nothing, would they be
> justified?
>    Christoph

Hi Christoph,

Can you give us some more details?

1) Which debian (stable/testing/sid)?
2) Which packages?
3) Which G4 boxes?

Rick  — who is also interested in keeping his G4 boxes running Debian!

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