On 06/02/16 22:12, Clive Menzies wrote:
On 06/02/16 20:52, Peter Saisanas wrote:
Regarding my config, currently am running 4.5.0-rc2 kernel, xfce desktop and on Debian stretch (testing) repo's.

As a side note, on the testing repo's, the only package that I personally have noticed that has broken and affected me recently is binutils, i.e. binutils versions currently >2.25-5 are not capable of building kernels correctly (the kernel modules within the initrd seem to not be built correctly). Aside from that you get much newer packages than jessie. Also, Mesa and 3D hardware accel should now work with nouveau and PPC (well it works for me anyway)!
Thanks Peter

It sounds worth upgrading to stretch.

Sid is basically the absolute bleeding edge Debian repo. Not surprised that things break regularly! But if you feel comfortable doing bug reports every now and then and can help contribute to Debian, perhaps the testing repo is more for you (which is for the future stretch release). Of course, the choice is yours!
I found sid a great learning experience on my G4 a few years ago but I don't have the time to spend breaking and fixing my system at present and so testing is a better option.

Now, regarding your issue!
You made me connect a second LCD to my G5 and try out the dual display functionality! :) With the version of xfce currently in stretch (testing repo's), all I had to do was use the built in features of xfce and use the built in control panel in Applications >> Settings >> Display. Ensure that the checkbox is ticked for "Configure new displays when connected". I then logged out of xfce and then logged back in and it just worked. Detected extra screens and allowed me to change the layout as desired.
It's strange because xfce sees both monitors as does xrandr but the signal just doesn't seem to get the screen working although the desktop behaves as though both are active. I'll upgrade and then see where I get to, with the later kernel.

The version of xfce in jessie is an earlier release with older packages, so it may not be as simple and easy. Fortunately, Brock W. who is on the mailing list has posted a blog on the PowerPC Liberation page which should hopefully do the trick. Note: I believe that this was for LXDE desktop while running jessie. So it may or may not apply for xfce that currently is in jessie.

Link Below:
I'll check this out before trying the upgrade

As i mentioned earlier, this might not be required if you are using the xfce version currently in stretch, but as always, YMMV.

Hope it makes sense!
Sure does and thanks again :-)
I upgraded to stretch - did a plain upgrade and rebooted all fine and then did a dist-upgrade but system is now unbootable.

It seems to barf on:
/Begin: Running /scripts/local-block.... done//
//Begin: Running /scripts/local-block.... done//
//Begin: Running /scripts/local-block.... done/
which repeats about 20 times and then says something about dropping into a shell but fails with:

/Can't access tty: job control turned off//
//(initramfs)///cursor stops here//but no keys seem to work/

/Have I got to reinstall Jessie from scratch and try the upgrade again or is there a way out of this?



Clive Menzies
Political Economist
+44 (0) 7836 601378

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