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i used Lubuntu LTS 14.04 Alternate Install for Powermac

Cool :)

Am Dec 31, 2015 um 4:05 PM schrieb Linux User #330250 <>:

> Thanks.
> I've got the same. It is the Original (2003) and "Late 2003".
> I had trouble installing Debian on my PowerMac7,2 as I wanted a 64-bit
> version. I now understand that you should use the regular PowerPC based
> distribution "powerpc", not "ppc64el" which is for POWER systems only.
> My HDD just died, so this project came to an abrupt halt.
> I used Gentoo Linux on my G5 a view years ago with a  true ppc64
> installation. I think this is not possible on Debian, and there really
> are very rare conditions when 64-bit is actually better than 32-bit on a
> G5 system.
> Hope G5s will again be supported out-of-the-box by Debian/PowerPC!
> Good luck,
> Andreas  aka  Linux User #330250
> Am 2015-12-31 um 15:43 schrieb Aidan Sciortino:
>> This is  actually a powermac 7,2 not a 9,1. I'm going to install that
>> kernel later.
>> Thanks for the advice
>> Aidan Sciortino
>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015, 4:16 AM Linux User #330250 <>
>> wrote:
>>> Sorry to interrupt…
>>> I always thought that the 1.8 GHz Late 2004 model (PowerMac9,1) was the
>>> only Power Mac G5 ever to use a SMU instead of a PMU. It is the one that
>>> internally uses iMac technology (bus ration 3:1).
>>> All other Power Mac G5 machines use a PMU. Including the last Late 2005
>>> PCI-Express models (PowerMac11,2).
>>> I did not find a specific site that confirms that, but you can check on
>>> for the specs of the G5s. The PowerPac9,1 internally is an
>>> iMac G5 and they use SMUs.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andreas  aka  Linux User #330250
>>> Am 2015-12-31 um 01:37 schrieb Peter Saisanas:
>>>> Hi Aidan,
>>>> I have had a look at the logs you provided.
>>>> The kernels i have provided are specifically configured for the last
>>>> Powermac G5's (11.2).
>>>> Regarding the fans, note the following line in your dmesg log:
>>>> [    0.000000] WARNING ! Your machine is PMU-based but your kernel
>>>> [    0.000000]           wasn't compiled with CONFIG_ADB_PMU option !
>>>> The Powermac 11.2 machines use the SMU for environmental control,
>>>> whereas your machine seems to require PMU to be enabled.
>>>> Cant remember if this is enabled in the kernel, when i get a moment
>>>> later on i may have a look.
>>>> You may need to reconfigure and recompile a kernel to address this.
>>>> Regarding your fan issue, have you tried running sudo modprobe
>>>> i2c-powermac to see if that addresses the issue? If it does, go ahead
>>>> and add this module to your /etc/modules file so it automatically
>>>> loads in the future.
>>>> Regarding your display issues, for starters, on your kernel command
>>>> line you have effectively disabled the Nouveau module.
>>>> Nouveau hasn't even started.
>>>> Try removing "nouveau.modeset=0 video=TV-1:d video=DVI-I-1:d
>>>> video=DVI-I-2:1920x1080:-24:D" from your kernel command line.
>>>> Also, ensure the "nv" module is blacklisted as it conflicts with nouveau.
>>>> Please provide the same logs after the changes i mentioned.
>>>> Regarding the comment "I have used linux for about three years, but
>>>> I've never gone this deep into a system before.".
>>>> When your using a an alternative architecture (i.e. anything other
>>>> than x86), it forces you to learn linux. IMO, its the best way to
>>>> learn linux!
>>>> Good luck!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Peter
>>>> On 31/12/15 10:55, Aidan Sciortino wrote:
>>>>> I have an AGP g5. The kernel that you have listed is the one that I
>>>>> am using. It also appears that something is wrong with the windfarm
>>>>> driver, because after about five minutes the fans are blowing at top
>>>>> speed. I've attatched the two logs as text files. dmesgOut.txt is the
>>>>> output of dmesg and interruptOut.txt is the output of cat
>>>>> /proc/interrupts. I have used linux for about three years, but I've
>>>>> nevere gone this deep into a system before.
>>>>> Thank you so much for the help!
>>>>> Aidan
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Peter Saisanas <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>    Hi Aidan,
>>>>>    Please use this 3.18.16 kernel. Link below:
>>>>>    Please post a complete dmesg log. (Please dont grep anything, i
>>>>>    mean a complete dmesg log).
>>>>>    Also please post the output of "cat /proc/interrupts".
>>>>>    I think a step has been missed where the msi interrupts are
>>>>>    required to be disabled. this is required for PMAC's with PCIe
>>>>>    (PMAC 11.2).
>>>>>    Perhaps MSI interrupts may or may not be required for AGP based
>>>>> GPU's.
>>>>>    I take it your machine is an AGP + PCIx Powermac G5?
>>>>>    Hopefully the two logs mentioned may shed some light on the issue
>>>>>    and hopefully help sort out your problem.
>>>>>    I assume you already have a kernel running with a 4k pagesize?
>>>>>    Regards,
>>>>>    Peter
>>>>>    On 31/12/15 03:57, Aidan Sciortino wrote:
>>>>>>    The card and monitor both worked fine under mac os x, and the
>>>>>>    color is fine in the terminal. I'm not sure what would indicate a
>>>>>>    gpu or monitor error, but they a were both working fine under os x.
>>>>>>    Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll try a different cable.
>>>>>>    Aidan
>>>>>>    On Wed, Dec 30, 2015, 11:54 AM Brock Wittrock
>>>>>>    < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>        Have you ruled out the possibility of a hardware issue either
>>>>>>        with your monitor, video card port(s), and video cable
>>>>>>        itself?  Sometimes bent or missing pins on the video cables
>>>>>>        or loose connections can cause such problems.  Just wanted to
>>>>>>        throw that out there.
>>>>>>        B-rock
>>>>>>        On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Aidan Sciortino
>>>>>>        <
>>>>>>        <>> wrote:
>>>>>>            Thanks,
>>>>>>            I have installed the kernel as suggested above,  and when
>>>>>>            I run uname -a it returns that the kernel is running, but
>>>>>>            the graphical errors persist. Do I need to do something
>>>>>>            more? I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to graphics, so I
>>>>>>            may have just gotten it wrong.
>>>>>>            Thanks for the help
>>>>>>            Aidan Sciortino
>>>>>>            On Tue, Dec 29, 2015, 11:09 PM Rick Thomas
>>>>>>            < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>                Hi Aidan,
>>>>>>                Welcome to the Debian-on-G5-Macs club!
>>>>>>                Peter Saisanas has a patched kernel that fixes this
>>>>>>                problem.
>>>>>>                Check out this discussion in the mail archives:
>>>>>>                To cut to the chase,
>>>>>>                1) download the two ".deb" files at this URL:
>>>>>>                do the following steps as root
>>>>>>                2) do a "dpkg -i" on each of these ".deb" files.
>>>>>>                3) do "update-initramfs -u"
>>>>>>                4) Modify your "/etc/yaboot.conf" file to add a
>>>>>>                stanza pointing to the
>>>>>>                new kernel and initrd files in /boot
>>>>>>                5) run "ybin"
>>>>>>                6) reboot and select the new yaboot option you
>>>>>>                created in step 4
>>>>>>                You should be good to go
>>>>>>                I've CC-ed Peter in case he sees anything I've missed
>>>>>>                here...
>>>>>>                Rick
>>>>>>                On 12/29/2015 3:27 PM, Aidan Sciortino wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I've successfully gotten Debian 8 stable up and
>>>>>>                running on my powermac
>>>>>>> g5, but am struggling to get a gui configured. The
>>>>>>                computer has an
>>>>>>> Nvidia fx 5200 graphics card, and I'm using the
>>>>>>                nouveau driver.  The
>>>>>>> colors are extremely messed up, and I'm thinking
>>>>>>                it's a problem with
>>>>>>> nouveau. Has anyone else had this problem before?
>>>>>>                Does anyone know of
>>>>>>> a solution?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Aidan
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Aidan Sciortino
>>>>>>> Inventor
>>>>>>> Engineer
>>>>>>> Dreamer
>>>>>>            --             Aidan Sciortino
>>>>>>            Inventor
>>>>>>            Engineer
>>>>>>            Dreamer
>>>>>>    --     Aidan Sciortino
>>>>>>    Inventor
>>>>>>    Engineer
>>>>>>    Dreamer
>>>>> --
>>>>> Aidan Sciortino
>>>>> Hacker, Inventor,
>>>>> Dreamer, Engineer
>>> --
>> Aidan Sciortino
>> Inventor
>> Engineer
>> Dreamer

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