Hi Lennart,

Thank you for your answer.

Unfortunately the increasing of the stack spaces wasn't successfully.

I tried the following stack sizes:

ulimit -s 16384
ulimit -s 32768
ulimit -s 65536
ulimit -s 131072

iceweasel Debian PPC64 in a chroot:

too much recursion
Segmentation fault



On 01 September 2015 at 8:02 PM, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
On Tue, Sep 01, 2015 at 07:24:48PM +0200, Christian Zigotzky wrote:
Hi All,

Iceweasel and Firefox 40.X.X PowerPC aren't available for all Ubuntu
flavours and for Debian with 32-bit userland currently.

There are build problems:

Iceweasel 40 build status:

Firefox 40 build status: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/

But iceweasel 40.0.3-1 was released for the unofficial Debian PPC64 port. I
installed it inside my Debian PPC64 chroot. Unfortunately it doesn't start.

Error messages:

too much recursion
Segmentation fault

Is anyone working on resolving this issue?
Could you try what happens if you change the stack size limit?

ulimit -s 16384 (I believe the current default that you can check with
ulimit -a is 8192).  Could even try something even bigger like 65536.
Then run firefox from that terminal where you changed the limit

Certainly with 64 bit pointers and 64 bit registers, ppc64 could be using
quite a bit of stack space in the javascript engine, which appears to
be the thing that always causes this error in firefox (seems to happen
everytime they change the engine in a major way, and then things get
tweaked until it works again, then it gets broken again).

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