Hey, thx Peter!

I have no G5 system to currently test this on myself (briefly had a single
core G5 PowerMac sadly it's mainboard got damaged when the PSU blew).
 Am 29.06.2015 15:00 schrieb "Peter Saisanas" <psaisa...@gmail.com>:

>     Hi Boris,
> As promised, I have attached a Google Drive link for a 64 BitG5 Powermac
> 3.18.16 kernel and headers deb packages for Debian Jessie.
>  This kernel is based off the default Debian Jessie kernel config, but
> basically optimised for G5 processors, with 4kb kernel pagesize and msi
> interrupts disabled. This is basically what nouveau requires to enable XOrg
> 2d acceleration.
>  I have installed this on a fresh Debian Jessie install and seems to work
> ok, i have quickly set this up but i can improve it further.
> The kernel image and header deb files should be saved somewhere and as
> root install the deb files. it will complain about a module link when
> installing but disregard it, it will install the vmlinux & initrd images in
> boot. Create a new entry in yaboot.conf and test it out.
> Im curious if is solves the nouveau issues for Powermac G5 11.2 owners.
>  Please give feedback and i will try to update documentation.
>  As always, i accept no responsibility for data loss.
> Try it out only if you know what you are doing.
>  Link Below:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8pqd5Ots1vffmY5ZnpGUDg4UGNnVFk2M05tQUtEUUkwUmhmQWdLMWpfZGVraDIxSFltb1k&authuser=0
>  Cheers,
>  Peter
> On 29/06/15 21:21, Boris Reinhard wrote:
> Other hosting options that might be useable are dropbox (which until
> recenlty still had a ppc OSX client (not that it's really needed), or
> mega.nz, the latter tho insists on writing files from JavaScript directly
> to disk which causes issues in every browser other than chrome (certainly
> problematic on older ppc macs where really mostly firefox is an option
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=832732 even tho this says
> it's fixed), so mega likely would be ill advised for our usage scenario.
> 2015-06-29 12:59 GMT+02:00 Boris Reinhard <reinhard.bo...@googlemail.com>:
>> Sounds like a plan!
>> Well I have good experience with google drive's file hosting, seems to
>> work well, easy to use, reliable, for smaller projects their free hosting
>> should suffice so for a fairly small crowd like ours it's plenty I guess.
>> I think we could count on files staying available there.
>>  Am 29.06.2015 12:36 schrieb "Peter Saisanas" <psaisa...@gmail.com>:
>>>  I agree Boris.
>>> In my opinion, i think it is best to have something running out of the
>>> box for users to have working with little effort to keep interest alive in
>>> the platform.
>>> On my dev drive currently i am building a deb package of the latest 3.18
>>> kernel. I have based the kernel config off the latest Debian kernel config
>>> in Jessie. I have changed as minimum as possible to make it suitable
>>> specifically for most Powermac G5 users as a starting point straight after
>>> a fresh install.
>>> I have other leaner and meaner kernel configs that i have tweaked over a
>>> few months. I hope the LCS hangs together on the quad till i get around
>>> rebuilding it!
>>> With the deb kernel package i am currently building, i will install on a
>>> spare drive with a fresh Debian Jessie install.
>>> Hopefully it will work with as minimum fuss to get users with XOrg
>>> desktops running.
>>> Can you suggest a place where i can upload a kernel deb package for
>>> other users to freely download and test? Id like to make sure that it works
>>> for most people and not just my machine before i spend the time documenting
>>> things.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Peter
>>> On 29/06/15 19:35, Boris Reinhard wrote:
>>> Hello Peter,
>>> amazing thx for pointing this out, we need to preserve and document this
>>> information as detailed as possible.
>>> Based on the details you mentioned someone could add information to the
>>> ppc faq and known issues/ workaround intructions, but it might be best if
>>> you did it yourself, seeing as you came up with the workaround and know the
>>> details behind it and likely could describe things more thoroughly. Also a
>>> bug report on it could help, always good to know whats causing issues and
>>> where exactly so it may be fixed at a later time.
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCKnownIssues  (should absolutely be in
>>> here)
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ (could be added in here as well but
>>> this page is a lot less recent and not as helpful)
>>> Grüße
>>> boris
>>>  Am 29.06.2015 08:06 schrieb "Peter Saisanas" <psaisa...@gmail.com>:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>> I also have a Powermac G5 Quad and tried with both the Geforce 6600 and
>>>> Quadro FX4500 video cards and I have successfully gotten it up and running
>>>> using the nouveau driver along with 2D acceleration on the XOrg desktop. I
>>>> have compiled many newer kernels and created debian packages for them.
>>>> Newer 4.0+ kernels also have issues in terms of detecting the nvidia DCB
>>>> from the FCODE ROM… But there are other workarounds for this to get it up
>>>> and running. You shouldn't need to use the boot parameter
>>>> "nouveau.noaccel=1" once you have properly configured your kernel.
>>>> In my case, the reason why X does not seem to work with your
>>>> configuration is twofold:
>>>> The recent Debian (and Fedora) kernels for PowerPC 64 Bit running on
>>>> the G5 64bit powermac are configured with a 64Kb kernel pagesize. This
>>>> works slightly better in terms of performance, however the nouveau driver
>>>> does not support this size. You must recompile the kernel unfortunately and
>>>> configure with 4Kb kernel pagesize as this is what nouveau will work with
>>>> for now.
>>>> To confirm, run the following command in a shell as root:
>>>> “getconf PAGESIZE”
>>>> If it returns 65536, you are using a 64Kb pagesize kernel.
>>>> Otherwise if it returns 4096, i.e. 4Kb kernel pagesize, check the next
>>>> item below.
>>>> The newer nouveau drivers in more recent kernels default to using MSI
>>>> interrupts, however with the PPC G5, when using  MSI interrupts, the
>>>> powerpc FCODE rom on Nvidia cards does not correctly set up the MSI address
>>>> (or vector).
>>>> To confirm, run the following command in a shell as root:
>>>> “cat /proc/interrupts”
>>>> Look for the nouveau interrupt, if it is using MSI interrupts, you need
>>>> to disable MSI interrupts either by passing the option to the nouveau
>>>> module, disable MSI interrupts by passing an option to the kernel command
>>>> line in yaboot.conf or disable MSI interrupt support in total when
>>>> compiling a new kernel. If configured correctly, nouveau should be using
>>>> level or edge interrupts.
>>>> This is what worked for me anyway.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Peter

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