On Sat, 2015-05-02 at 11:15 +0200, Michael Felt wrote:

> BTW: I notice a slight difference in how 'login as root' works between
> wheezy and jessie. On both systems I have enabled 'root login' for my
> initial tests. With wheezy I cannot login as root on the console, but
> can login using ssh. On Jessie this is the reverse. I assume this is
> deliberate.

The ssh part: yes, and that's documented in the release notes:

The console part: I don't think so; this is probably a bug in wheezy.
The last time I had that sort of problem, it was due to an omission from
the file /etc/securetty (list of devices that root may log in through).
But in wheezy that file does include hvc0.


Ben Hutchings
Q.  Which is the greater problem in the world today, ignorance or apathy?
A.  I don't know and I couldn't care less.

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