Downloading now Debian 8, will try it tomorrow.

MfG, Robert
Send from iPhone 5

> Am 30.04.2015 um 21:07 schrieb Milan Kupcevic <>:
>> On 04/30/2015 01:07 PM, aPEX wrote:
>> Hello,
>> no one who can help? Debian 6.8 was still running fine…
>> I think if I will try Debian 8 I will have same problem like with 7.8?
> I would try Debian 8 first.
> M
>>> Am 27.04.2015 um 20:27 schrieb aPEX <>:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I was using a long time Debian 6.x on my Pegasos II G4 with 1Ghz CPU und 
>>> 2GB Memory.
>>> Last week I got the stupid idea to install everything new using latest 
>>> Debian 7.8, because
>>> on the DVD there is still the install script for the Pegasos. :-)
>>> Installation itself is working fine till 95% and then abort there, some 
>>> like after-installation trigger.
>>> We tested it on several Pegasos II that we have, always the same. I can go 
>>> on without installing
>>> more software, but I assume that also some basic stuff is missing.
>>> Also the 3.x kernel is no more working on the Pegasos II, you will get 
>>> screen with grafic trash
>>> right after starting the kernel.
>>> <IMG_9965.JPG>
>>> Any idea? I tried it in the IRC, but got no answer. 
>>> It would be really fantastic if this problem could be fixed and the Pegasos 
>>> II will work again. 
>>> Best regards, Robert aka aPEX
>>> PS: I am just a user, no Linux guru, sorry for this…

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