Is the patched version in the archive 'mesa-10.3.2-1 patch.tar.gz'?

-- Christian

On 08/04/2015 7:40 p.m., Christian Zigotzky wrote:
I could do a quick test. But I need the compiled version of Mesa. Could you upload the compiled version of Mesa, please?


On 08/04/2015 7:26 p.m. Herminio Hernandez, Jr., wrote:
Please let me know how it works for you.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:09 PM, Christian Zigotzky < <>> wrote:

    Thank you!

    On 08/04/2015 1:53 p.m., Herminio Hernandez Jr. wrote:
    Here you go

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Apr 8, 2015, at 3:27 AM, Christian Zigotzky
    < <>> wrote:

    Hi Herminio,

    Thanks a lot for your explanation and for your work! Could you
    upload your Debian package somewhere, please? Or could you send
    me this Debian package via email, please? I'd like to test your
    patched Mesa.

    Thanks in advance.



    On 08/04/2015 05:58 a.m., Herminio Hernandez, Jr. wrote:
    1. I got the source from the debian packages
    2. they are independent from what I can tell
    3. where do you want me to place them?

    On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Rogério Brito
    < <>> wrote:

        Hi, Herminio.

        Thanks for the description, but I have some questions.

        On 2015-04-07 23:43, Herminio Hernandez, Jr. wrote:
        > Here is what I did:
        > 1. grab the mesa source

        Which version? From their git repository? From debian
        packages (e.g.,
        "apt-get source foo")?

        > 2. install 3 patches two from here
        and one from here
        > (i used the --dry-run option before I applied the patch to be sure 
        > were no errors)

        In which order are they patches to be applied (I haven't
        looked at them
        to see if they are independent or not)? Michel, are these
        unsuitable for inclusion upstream (if they are not already)?

        > 3. installed the dependencies and compiled. I followed
        the instructions on
        > creating deb packages found on the Debian forums here
        > <>.

        Great! Can you put the source Debian packages somewhere
        (the .dsc and
        the .tar.{xz,bz2,gz} ones)? That would be great for
        continuing from
        where you stopped (even better if you put the packaging in
        a git tree).

        Thanks once again,

        Rogério Brito : rbrito@{
        <>, <>} : GPG
        key 4096R/BCFCAAAA :
        <> :

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